Bugs are everywhere, even high up in Utah. However, the kind of pests you’ll encounter will largely be determined by your place of residence. There are marked differences between city pests and country pests, but all of them bring problems that can drive you mad.

Pests in the City

  1. Cockroaches

In the city, every house will have cockroaches. These bugs are some of the most common (and most disgusting) urban pests. Cockroaches have full access to the city, traveling through sewers to get to human habitation. They spread filth everywhere they go, feeding on anything, including human feces. These filthy bugs have been known to spread diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever, viral diseases, leprosy, and plague. They can also carry the eggs of parasitic worms, which cause allergic reactions and respiratory conditions. Keeping your house clean and barring points of entry are some of the most effective methods to rid your home of cockroaches.

  1. Flies

Yes, flies are annoying, but they are far from harmless. Like cockroaches, flies are mediums of diseases like cholera, dysentery, and typhoid — not to mention the 200 types of bacteria in their bodies. The tiny hairs on a fly’s legs can transfer diseases the moment they land on your food. Flies also vomit on their food, spewing digestive juices so they can slurp up the pre-digested food. Proper sanitation is usually enough to control fly populations, but urban centers are notorious for piles of garbage.  

  1. Bedbugs

If you see tiny splotches of blood on your pillows or sheets, you have bedbugs. These nasty critters feed on human blood, and continuous feedings can cause skin irritations, insomnia, and even depression. Hotels and motels are notorious haunts for these insects. Bedbugs can hitch a ride on clothing or luggage, and you can unknowingly bring them into your home. Once you have an infestation, the only way you can rid your house of these insects is heat treatment.

Country Pests

  1. Termites

Termites are usually agricultural pests, but these insects have damaged houses in Salt Lake City. They are quite common in Utah, especially the subterranean types. Subterranean termites will dig their way from the ground straight to your hardwood floors. Dealing with these pests requires help from professional pest control services as they can severely damage your house.

  1. Mosquitos

The recent wet spring has magnified Utah’s mosquito problem. Mosquitos breed in standing water, and rain gives them numerous places to breed. Mosquitos have been known to carry countless deadly diseases, including the West Nile virus.

  1. Ticks

A hike in the woods can expose you and your pets to ticks. Although they’re seen as more of a pet problem, ticks can target humans, burrowing into your skin without your notice because of the anesthetic properties in their saliva. A bite from a tick can spread several diseases, including Rocky Mountain Fever and Lyme disease. Do a full-body check-up whenever you return from a hike to look for ticks and if you have to — pull them out with tweezers.

Urban or rural — there’s no escaping pests. Take measures to control their numbers, but don’t hesitate to call professionals if the situation calls for it.

Categories: Home Improvement