When you are deciding to tile your home up, then it can never be limited to just designs and patterns. Tiles have been associated with enhancing the beauty factor of the house and providing more relaxing facilities indoors. However, now tiles also add to your class, themes and temperaments. Tiles are trending to become one of the factors of home décor that contribute to your overall style. Here are some advance and top performing tile themes that will enhance your style and impression when your guests visit you.

New Heritage

This is the design that is an ode to the ancestors as well as a style statement for the modern generation. This style of tiles has been made by combining the features of home décor that existed with the royal period and the innovations that come along with the modern ones. This style of tiling has features coming straight out from Edwardian and Victorian eras making the look vintage.

Dark Drama Style

The world is now in awe of Black and it is one of those colors that is preferred by all the generations in their clothing, accessories and vehicles, so why not with homes. The Dark Drama Style of art tiles is a perfect match of black tiles with inky and matt finish with Victorian era inspired themes can create an extremely marvelous design to suit your persona. These designs come along in diamond and other symmetric shapes, along with Otto tiles. The best thing about the design is the perfection of matte with little touch of gradient and tone variations that can be enhanced with lighting colors, contrast and intensities.

Perfect Patina

Perfect patina is the term assigned to the designs that build up for meaningful surfaces coming out from hand-carved or designed pattern with fine precision. These tiles are prepared by Turkish artisans using generation old techniques; adding the touch of their own heritage to the creation. These designs give the house owners a more exotic and luxurious experience.

Terrific Terrazzo

Terrazzo is one of those materials used in tile making whose full potential has still remained unrecognized. This option is far more affordable than granite and marble and also provides a much more artistic touch when arranged and used in proper designs and styles. Terrazzo can come in various materials and color options with varying ratios of metal, quartz and glass. These varying ratios enable the creation of varied textures and colors along with a smooth finish.

Categories: Home Improvement