Every woman follows a tough regime for the betterment of her skin. Following such a sacred routine is extremely tough, especially doing it daily. But sometimes there are things that a woman does not pay attention to, and this keeps her from enhancing her beauty to its fullest. One of such things is not applying the cream at night. Every morning when after cleansing your face you apply makeup, your face becomes prone to the sticking of dirt and oil. Touching the face every single time in office makes the bacteria accumulated on your face. All the excess dirt, bacteria, pollutants from vehicles, etc. sit on your face all day long and starts to degenerate your skin. All these damaged tissues get the repair at night when you sleep. When that repairing process is going on, it requires several elements to perform better. That’s where the Night cream [ไนท์ครีม, which is the term in Thai] comes in.

Here’s how a night cream works its magic:

Such creams have retinol and vitamin C, which elevates the cell renewal process. It keeps your face hydrated all night and gives you a brighter skin when you wake up. There are several creams available in the market to use at night, which also has anti-ageing properties. A good cream boosts collagen in your skin, which helps in tissue regeneration. It also ensures that you don’t get breakouts and develop any kind of spots on to the skin.

Choosing a night cream by knowing the type of your skin:

It’s crucial to use a cream that suits you. Always make sure that the cream you choose has not a thick texture. A thick texture will clog your pores, thereby making it difficult for the skin to breathe. It is always a better idea to go with a non-fragrance cream, so it does not mess up with your sleep with its smell. 

Categories: Health