Many people work on maintaining the shape of their body and exercise daily for hours. Including bodyweight leg exercises in your daily routine can make great changes by toning your thighs, hip and leg muscles. Leg exercises are very important as they make your muscles strong and stiff which helps you to perform the daily tasks easily without getting much tired. You can easily do these exercises at home if you don’t want to go to the gym. 20 minutes of these leg exercises can bring your legs into perfect shape burning all the extra fat present. 

Some leg exercises that you can do at your home are:

Squats – these are the best bodyweight leg exercises which are very effective and can be done without any gym equipments. Doing squats gives you the amazing toned lower body muscles along with the hip area. You should perform squats daily for 20 minutes. You should keep in mind that doing a warm up before going for squats is very essential as it loosens up the muscles and prevents you from any strains and muscle injuries. 

How to do squats?

After 15 minutes of running or jumping as a warm up exercise you can perform your squats. Keep your leg apart and bend your knee aligned with the toe like you are sitting on the chair. Hold this position for few seconds then go back to the normal position. Repeat this process for 20 times as a beginner. You can gradually increase the numbers with the regular practice. 

Lunges – lunges are little difficult but give you faster results. Doing lunges involve not only your large leg muscles but also the core muscles which help in back pain and improving the posture of your body. These lunges can be performed by lifting small weights in each hand to make it more powerful. It improves the flexibility of leg and hip muscles. 

How to do lunges?

Relax your shoulder and put forward your one leg bending it into 90 degree aligned with the toe. Similarly, bend the second leg and try not to touch the ground while bending the second one. Maintain this position for a few seconds and then go back to the standing position. Now, repeat the same method with the second leg putting forward and bending it at 90 degree. Repeat this 25 to 30 times daily for the effective results. 

Categories: Health