For those who are considering bariatric surgery Houston TX residents should know a few things. Bariatric surgery is considered safe and is successful for achieving weight loss. This surgery is not a cosmetic procedure. One may look better when losing weight, but the main reason for having this surgery is to improve the quality of life. There are different types of bariatric surgery, with the common procedures being lap band and gastric bypass. It’s a common myth that many people who have this type of surgery then go on to regain their weight. Many patients do maintain successful weight loss.

Preparing for Surgery

In order to be considered for this type of surgery, a doctor must recommend it. You will need to have at least six months of records showing weight and attempts to lose weight. Once approved for the surgery, you will want to have a support system. This includes family members, professionals, and friends. You will need help for recovery and not just transportation to and from the hospital. You will want help adjusting to the changes in emotions and your life that come with this surgery.


Some of the physical challenges that may come after surgery include constipation, possible infection of the wound, or dumping syndrome. Dumping syndrome is vomiting, weakness, or nausea that comes form eating high sugar meals, fruit juices, or soda. Other changes include fatigue or body aches and the inability to process certain minerals and vitamins. Early stages of recovery can last one to six weeks, so pain management is important. You will want to taper off any prescription pain medications that you are on and not just go cold turkey. Be sure to follow your doctor’s advice when it comes to any medications. Don’t take NSAIDs because these aren’t safe for bariatric patients.

There could be some emotional side effects as well, since you will be on a liquid diet at first. You could also experience food grief. Food has a special meaning for a lot of people and it’s normal to mourn for lost foods. Weight loss can be dramatic at first and then there will be a plateau and you may face some setbacks. Keep expectations realistic and focus on improvements in health instead of just weight loss.

Other Risks

You will have to change eating habits after surgery. Eating too quickly or not chewing your food thoroughly can cause vomiting. Those who undergo bariatric surgery can be at risk for developing an eating disorder because of lack of appetite or having trouble eating. You will need to eat small meals instead of big ones and be sure to stop when you are feeling full. It’s also important to drink plenty of water.

By undergoing bariatric surgery Houston TX residents can have better health, better self-esteem, and more energy.

Categories: Health