The number of people using a car to go to work and other places has increased in the developed countries and you could not see a free road at any hour of the day. So, the possibilities of car accidents are also high. There could be different reasons for these accidents and the consequences of such accidents would also differ. Depending on these reasons and consequences, car accidents are classified into seven types that would predominantly occur on road. It would be helpful to know the type of your accident when you approach a Stuart car accident lawyer for your compensation. In this article, let us look at these seven types of accidents in brief.

Seven types of car accidents to know

Head-on-head collision – It would be the dangerous collision possible on-road and only high negligence of the driver or a technical fault could end up in such a collision. Here, a car coming in the southward direction would directly collide with the front end of a car moving towards the north. You can consider this event as two solid objects striking each other staying directly opposite to each other. The impact force would be high and the injuries could be severe in this type of collision.

Single car accident – At times, even when there is no one to make a mistake or when the driver is having full control over the vehicle, an accident could happen. It is known as a single-car accident as there would not be another vehicle to make an impact. Instead, an interruption due to an animal would cause the vehicle to get collided with some other obstacles on the way.

Vehicle rollover – When there is an additional force applied to one side of a vehicle due to the shift in the balance of the car’s weight due to any obstacles on the road, the car would get to roll on the road. The roof would get landed on the ground and the car will roll up and down for some time. The passengers could get thrown away or get severely injured if they did not tie themselves up using the seatbelts.

Sideswipe collision – Two cars would collide on their sides.

T-bone impact – It is a type of accident when the whole front end of a car collides directly on the side portion of another car. Since the collision will remind the letter T, the event has got its name as T-bone impact. The driver and the passenger sitting on the side of the collision would get brain concussions and severe bone injuries during this event.

Side-impact – A car would collide with the side of another.

Multiple vehicle collision – As the name suggests, several vehicles would be a part of this event. There will be a single car that has the fault that will end up causing injuries to several people following that vehicle on the road. Usually, you can see this event in junctions.

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