Every girl wants to be fit and have a bikini figure so that she can flaunt it on the beach in the summer season. You start working out as soon as winter is about to end to have a perfect figure till the summer arrives. You can find many weight loss ideas by visiting http://healthyandfitness.shop099.com/ and many diet plans that you can follow for the effective results. Proper intense exercises with protein rich diet can give you a perfect figure within 2 to 3 months and you can enjoy your bikini ready body for summer.

Tips to get the summer ready body fast

  • Cardio exercises – cardio exercises can make all your exercises more effective and also help in improving your cardiovascular health. Light cardio before starting any intense exercises is very important to prepare your muscles and body. Involves stretches in your initial cardio to relax all the stiff muscles then start with your daily workout sessions. Cardio includes exercises like rope jumping, jogging, etc. After completing your daily workout sessions repeat the cardio for 10 to 15 minutes again to boost up the effect of each exercise that you performed. 
  • Supersets and dropsets – supersets are also important when you want a bikini figure. Weight squats are more effective thus going for the dumbbells while performing each set can make it power squats.  Tone your leg muscles with the dropsets. Pushing the heavy weight against your legs can bring them into good shape in less time. 
  • Proper diet plan – proper diet is equally important as exercises. You can faster your results with the help of proper nutrients. Include eggs, chicken breast and green vegetable in your diet. Go for the sugar free drinks when you are on diet and always drink protein shakes to boost up and recover your body from the intense workout. 
Categories: Health