Planning a vacation somewhere exotic? Whether you’re crossing the country or an ocean, destination vacations are some of the most fun you can have over your summer. Here are some things to pack and some ways to prepare for weeks of healthy fun:

Sun Protection

Sunburns are painful and can put a damper on the fun you have planned so make sure you pack sunscreen. You’ll want at least SPF 30, but more importantly, look for a formula that you enjoy wearing. Some brands are extra moisturizing (great for dry skin, greasy feeling on oily skin), while others are water resistant. Finally, if you’re worried about premature aging, look for sunscreen that protects from both UVA and UVB rays. There are a lot of options on the market so you may need to do some experimenting to find the right fit.

While you’re at it, grab some wrap around shades so your eyes are protected from every angle. Polarizing sunglasses are great for reducing glare off of water or white, sandy beaches. A hat and lightweight, long sleeved shirt or swimsuit coverup can also protect you.


Going somewhere hot? You’ll lose more water by sweating than you may realize. Skiing in the mountains? That cold air at high elevation can dry your skin out. The bottom line is you need to plan for hydration to keep feeling your best on vacation.

Throw into your suitcase at least one travel-friendly water bottle. Many designs can be clipped to backpacks and have grippy handles so you won’t lose it. Depending on where you’re going, you may also want to get some water purifying tablets. After all, diarrhea is one of the leading causes of dehydration. Simply drop a tablet into a bottle of questionable water, wait an hour (or however long the package says), and then the water will be safe to drink.


You’ve probably already been immunized against key illnesses (and if not, it’s time to contact your primary care doctor Drooklyn to fill in the gaps). However, different areas of the world may expose you to different illnesses. Even a clean and well-managed resort can’t save you from that one vacationer at the next table who keeps coughing. If you’re planning to travel to several destinations, your risk goes up.

The last thing you want is to get knocked out by some exotic bug for a week. You also definitely don’t want to bring home an illness that you pass on to friends and family. They’ll prefer postcards as a memento! So tell your primary care doctor in Brooklyn where you’re planning to go and see what shots they recommend.

Categories: Travel