Whether you’re an athlete or not, all people have one thing in common: muscle fatigue. In order to stay at your physical peak, it’s important to keep up with a healthy lifestyle and exercise routine. And while many people turn to massage therapy for relief from sore muscles, there are other ways to help your muscles recover faster without the high cost of hiring a professional masseuse.

One such way is through electrical muscle stimulation (EMS). So what is EMS? And what are some benefits of using it that might surprise you? Keep reading to find out!

What is Electrical Muscle Stimulation?

The most basic definition of EMS is that it’s a form of deep tissue massage therapy. This type of therapy uses an electrical current to stimulate muscles and relieve pain and tension. There are two types of EMS: active and passive.

With active, the muscle you want to be treated is voluntarily contracted for the muscle to be stimulated. Passive EMS uses electrodes on your skin over the desired muscle group to contract and relax the muscles through stimulation.

EMS has numerous benefits for athletes, both before and after a workout or game. Before you work out, EMS could help remove lactic acid from your muscles, which will reduce your chances of injury by allowing you to perform at your peak level.

Afterward, EMS can help eliminate soreness felt up to 72 hours later. In fact, some studies show that athletes who use EMS recover more quickly than those who don’t! And with this enhanced recovery time comes a higher chance of being able to train longer or harder without discomfort or injury.

Why is it Beneficial For Athletes?

EMS offered by pulseperformance is a form of therapy that uses electrical stimulation to help muscles recover from injury or exercise. Though it’s used to treat many different ailments, EMS has become popular with athletes because it can be used to help reduce the pain and swelling in joints and muscles. And since it consists of low levels of electricity, there are minimal side effects.

Another hidden benefit is that EMS enables athletes to perform at their best by accelerating their recovery time. With this form of therapy, athletes experience less muscle fatigue and fewer injuries when they work out, which means they can keep working toward reaching their goals.

What Does EMS Offer?

EMS is a type of muscle stimulation technique that sends an electrical impulse to your muscles. It’s designed to stimulate muscle and improve blood flow, which is important for athletes who are recovering from intense workouts or competitions. One hidden benefit of EMS for athletes is that it can help your body recover faster. After a hard workout, EMS can help speed up the recovery process and get you back in the game as soon as possible.

A second hidden benefit of using EMS is that it can strengthen your muscles and improve your performance. One study showed that after using EMS, participants were able to lift weights more easily than before they first used EMS therapy.

Finally, one more hidden benefit of using EMS is that it can reduce pain. Athletes who use this therapy often experience less soreness and muscle tightness in their muscles. This is because EMS stimulates the production of endorphins, which are natural chemicals produced by the body that provide relief from pain and discomfort.

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