Are you tired of dealing with too much underwear bunching up in your clothes? We feel you, buying new underwear every month is expensive and doesn’t guarantee a perfect fit, to begin with, luckily, there are plus size period underwear brands designed for people just like you.

Why You Should Worry About Plus Size Period Underwear

Even if you think you can always wear the same size, it’s not true, hormones and weight fluctuations happen to everyone! Your cup size might fluctuate from a D to a DD to an F during your period, and even if you always wear the same size, your whole life is constantly changing. 

It is important because it’s an essential part of completing your outfit for days when you’re on your period – but it’s also so much more than that, plus size period underwear makes feminine hygiene easier and more convenient for women who are between 12-20 dress size at any point in their lives, which is nearly every woman.

What is a Period Panty?

A type of underwear made for people with a menstrual cycle. It comes in a variety of styles and provides an alternative to tampons or pads although you can wear both at the same time. 

The best part is that it’s reusable and you can use it for around 30 hours before washing and reusing again, so it lasts quite a while and it is typically made from cotton or bamboo, which wicks moisture away from your body and keeps you dry.

Some designs are made to be worn low on the hips, but others go up to the belly button, some are only available in thongs while others come with an added layer of protection like wings, regardless of which design you choose, they’ll all save you money in the long run because they’re reusable.

How to Wear Your such Underwear

The first thing to know about wearing plus size period underwear is that you don’t need to buy a specific type and there are many different types of panties designed specifically for periods, some have more coverage while others only offer light protection.

If you want to get the best protection, go with a paneled panty or a maxi pad style panty, these styles have fabric on top of the panel to help protect against leaks and stains. 

A liner style is the next best option for leak protection, but it will be less thick than the other two options above.

If you just want something for light protection, a thong style would work well as long as it has cotton gusset inserts in place and this will help ensure that the pads stay in place when you move around and prevent any leakage from being seen outside your clothes.

When deciding what type of panty is best for your needs, take into account how much protection you need and how often you think you’ll be using it during your cycle and if you have heavy flow or think time will be limited because of work or school, then a protector panty with more coverage may be better suited for your needs.

But if you think your flow isn’t too heavy or that it won’t interfere with everyday life then something like a liner is all you really need.

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