Gun Cabinet vs Safe: Which one to choose? | Stuffoholics

It can be tempting to try and save money when it comes to buying a gun safe, and while there may be many good-quality, fully functioning used safes available on the local market and beyond, it’s important to ensure that by cutting your expenditure, you’re not cutting your safety rating. Your guns are important to you, not only because you doubtless paid a good deal of money for them, but also because they can be so deadly in the wrong hands, and protecting them at all times, should be high on your list of priorities. 


There are many differing views about buying a used gun safe, and ultimately the decision is yours, but never forget that safety is what you should be paying for, and if you buy a used gun safe simply because you’re able to save money, it might not be the smartest solution to your gun storage problems.


With the purchase of a new gun safe, comes a sales tax, something that you can obviously forfeit  if you buy a used gun safe, but are the savings you can make really worth it when it comes to  protecting your firearms? Even if you know the person that you’re buying the safe from, nothing can make up for a brand-new gun safe that comes with a warranty. Even if the used safe that you plan to purchase from someone still has the warranty, changing its ownership can prevent the warranty from being valid; this means you’d need to pay for a new warranty, and if this is the case, it would surely make more sense to simply purchase a new one anyway?


And can you say with certainty that the used safe you’re planning to buy is fire rated and capable of keeping your precious gun collection safe at all times? Is there a reason why the safe is being sold, that perhaps you don’t know about? These are all questions you need to ask yourself before you decide to purchase a used gun safe. 


If you want to know more about gun safes before you decide to buy one, you can always talk to your local locksmith about the range of options available to you, and which would offer you the best value and level of protection. Most reputable locksmiths will have a selection of safes on sale, either in a catalogue or on their website, and they will give you unbiased, nonobligatory advice and guidance. 

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