Sometimes you can write the best content in the world, infuse it with all the write keywords and wait to see that work out for you in the form of improved sales. However, months go by and nothing changes. Your sales still remain where they were months ago when you first wrote your content and now you are wondering what you could have done wrong. Chances are, you did something wrong and, in this article, I will try to explain a few points why your content may not be ranking high on the search engine. There is no amount of rank tracking that is going to help you in this situation. Not even the best free keyword rank tracking tool is going to help you through this, so relax and read on.

What are you writing about?

Before your webpage is ranked by search engine algorithms, there are several factors that need to be considered first. These factors can be as diverse as type of content, page speed and link profile among many others. What your content is about is very important and will affect how your webpage is ranked a lot. Your content needs to be applicable to as many people as possible. Search algorithms rank content based on factors such as the number of people the content is relevant to, originality, how well the content fits on the webpage it is posted, and how much authority is in the content. Users have no interest in reading through content that is plagiarized, duplicated, or irrelevant and search engines know that. Such content is ranked very low in Google’s SERPs and that can’t be what you want for your business.

To avoid this problem, you should do a lot of research into what you want to write about and only write content that matters to your target audience. Make your content to appear smart, original, and reliable so that you can be ranked higher on the search engine.

What keywords are you using?

I hate to say it, but I’ll just say it anyway. The thing is, you might write very brilliant content and post it with high hopes of it generating all the traffic you need, but then it doesn’t happen. Everybody knows that keywords have a special place in SEO writing, but how to proceed from there is always something not everybody knows about. Simply put, there are some keywords that your website is less likely to rank for. That is why you are advised to go for long-tail keywords – keywords that are specific and target users who are at the last stage of the buying cycle.

You will have to do a lot of research in order to know which long-tail keywords are good for your website. One way to find out what long-tail keywords are great for your business is to pay attention to the kind of text is populated in the predictive text by your search engine when you type a few keywords in the engine.

Update, update, update

It is possible that your website is not ranking anymore because you haven’t updated the content in a while. The relevance of your content is the main factor that determines your ranking. Keywords also become outdated and when they do, they need to be replaced with current ones. Thus, update your web content and keywords often.

Categories: Business