Kratom is a plant from Southeast Asia also known as Mrityagna Speciosa. It is becoming popular for its powerful effects like mood enhancing, energy boosting, and pain relieving. This natural pain reliever also has brought positive outcomes like support for depression and anxiety and is beneficial in addiction treatment.

There has been a lot of discussion regarding the correct dosage for beginners to start off with Kratom. Though there is no correct dosage for anyone, each individual has to eventually figure out the right amount they require. However, a good way to start off with is to get a hang of this compound which can be 1 gram for new kratom users, while for the sensitive ones they can start with 0.5 grams. It is best to start slow for first time Kratom users.

Image result for kratom

The Shulgin method is a safer one to go by if you have just started to use Kratom. Alexander Shulgin designed the Shulgin method as he tested new compounds which were mostly psychedelic. This is what the method tells you-

1. A fraction of a dose

In the first step, just take a fraction of a whole dose to rule out allergies. When it comes to Kratom dosage, going by this rule, it could be like micro dosing kratom at 50 – 100 mg.

2. Half a dose

If your body does not react to it negatively to the first level of dosage you can increase it to half a dose. This will range from 0.25 grams (250 mg) to 0.5 grams (500 mg)

3. Full beginner dose

The last and final step is to take a full beginners dose. Because now you have tried and tested the product and got used to the initial level of dosage you can now go ahead full-steam.

The amount of kratom to provide necessary benefits will differ from person to person as each is unique. Kratom can take a minimum of 45 minutes to take effect. Once you take your beginner’s dose, do not consume more before 45 minutes. If you do, it can get a little dangerous or can even be ineffective.

Follow this method to get to the perfect kratom dosage for you:

  • First, take the beginner dose
  • Then add 0.5 grams after 45 minutes
  • Wait 45 minutes to assess each additional 0.5-gram dosage
  • You have to stop at 2 – 3 doses before trying again the next time
  • Once you have found a kratom dosage that works well for you by following this method, you can start with 80-90% of the dosage at a single time the following day

For example, if you have come to find that 4 gram is your “sweet spot” through the above method, the next day you can start with 3.2 and 3.6 grams on the day after.

Gradually, you will find the dose that works for you at that time in your life. Remember, most nootropics and psychoactive substances can develop a tolerance and so does kratom. The dosage you find that works well for you can be followed consistently on the basis that you avoid kratom tolerance issues. You can buy kratom of premium quality at Apex Kratom.

Categories: Health