Adding links to the Instagram stories has now become easier for Instagram users. This is how they can attain more followers for their Instagram page. Instagram has made this feature due to which all the users having more than 10,000 followers on their Instagram account can add links in their Instagram stories. Recently this feature was only there for the users to verify their Instagram but now this feature is an added benefit for the businesses having their profiles on Instagram. This link adding feature means that businesses can now add links to their websites in their stories too other than their bios. 

This feature of Instagram is a new opportunity for businesses to increase traffic on their websites. Moreover, it also increases average engagement on the posts and contents. 

It’s quite easy to add links to the Instagram stories. You need to follow some basic tips and guidelines to simply add a link to your website on your stories. It can increase sales and traffic through your stories. One main advantage of adding links to your stories is to make your followers familiar with what you are and this will educate them more about your brand. 

Follow the below-mentioned guidelines that will help you in posting links to your stories and will increase engagement to the official website of your business:


The first step to add the link in the Instagram story is to select videos, photos or anything that you need to upload the story. Once you have selected your content to post, your post is now ready to add the link to it. You can add any filter, text or stickers of your choice and then press the link button that is on the top of the screen.


Once you have clicked on the link button at the top, a new page will open where either you will have to enter a link or paste a pre-copied link that you want the followers to go. Once you have entered the link, press done and publish the story the way you want. 

  • Scheduling Instagram stories 

This is an amazing feature of Instagram that lets you manage the Instagram stories in a way that you can schedule them for later. If you have content for your story and the right URL too, but it is not the right time to post, you can simply schedule your story to post it later on. This is simple to do, you just simply need to upgrade your version of Instagram to the latest and start enjoying this amazing feature. This feature can be beneficial for brands and businesses. Make sure to visually plan your stories before scheduling them.


This is the last but one most important step to take care of while you are posting the link in your stories. If you want to have increased traffic and a high level of sales from your business website, blog or your online store, it’s important to add a call to action in the stories with links. Only adding the links to your stories won’t be enough to grasp the attention of your followers. You need to talk to them as well. 

This feature of adding a link to stories is surely amazing to make people familiar and educate them about your brand and business but you need to tell them too regarding what you are linking with your website. It’s important to educate your follower’s side by side regarding the contents and the links you are posting. This will encourage them more to visit your given link and when they would have an understanding of something, they will enjoy it more. 

They are some more ways you can increase the follower’s engagement and likes on your posts but adding links is one of the best ways to drive more traffic to your website and to make more people familiar with your brand. One thing to make sure is that you post stories at a time when your followers are the most active. This is the best strategy to post links to your website and to gain more engagement. 

Categories: Technology