
Shipping and other maritime businesses can be great jobs. They offer the excitement of travel, interesting work inside and outdoors, and although heavy physical work is required they offer tangible accomplishments to be proud of at the end of the day. Hours are long during a work day, but time off is also extended allowing the workers to enjoy themselves rather than resting at home for one or two days before being expected back at work. Unfortunately, long hours and hard physical work is a combination which results in accidents. When the misfortune of an injury occurs, it’s important to discuss the case with a Honolulu maritime injury lawyer to assure proper care is received and the employee can get back to a normal life as soon as possible.

Common Accidents and Injuries

Common accidents in Honolulu and other port cities can involve falling cargo, strains from carrying heavy weights, or falling employees due to uneven or slippery surfaces. Injuries such as cuts that require stitches or broken bones are fairly common, but sometimes much worse can occur. Broken backs and amputations can be some of the worst injuries, but also problems such as burns, inhalation maritime injury lawyer specialist is needed to make sure proper compensation is provided for injury treatment, recovery, of toxic fumes, or burns can occur. For each of these injuries, a Honolulu maritime injury lawyer is required to make sure proper compensation is received for immediate care, ongoing treatment, and loss of work.

Immediate and Ongoing Care

Immediate care after an injury is fairly self-explanatory as it involves treatment a doctor provides immediately after the accident, and perhaps surgery over the following week. Ongoing rehabilitation can be overlooked, as it can be completely different for two people who have seemingly identical injuries. Physical therapy and treatment for recurring pain or infections after the initial treatment may be required as part of the healing process, and of course the employer still has bills to pay while out of work.


Although it is assumed an employer will look out for their workers, sometimes they may not understand the intricacies of healing from a particular injury. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to seek representation with a Honolulu maritime injury lawyer. It isn’t a matter of disloyalty or mistrust of the employer, but rather a practical consideration to assure the patient receives what they deserve in order to heal fully and properly, so they can get back to work. It usually has more to do with making sure the insurance company the employer uses doesn’t try to avoid part of their obligation to provide for the patient’s ongoing care and provide compensation for lost wages during the healing process.

Categories: Business