When practicing yoga, you need to be comfortable. And that means being wrapped in soft fabric. Thankfully, there’s a vast variety of yoga mats available on the market today, from cheap and convenient to pricier options that are more luxurious, there are many options for every budget and need. Whether you practice often or just want something for home practice, knowing the thick yoga mat is important.

What to look for in a thick yoga mat

Your thick yoga mat is an essential part of your practice. You’ll want something comfortable, durable, and doesn’t get too slippery. There are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for a thick yoga mat.

  • Thickness – Thickness is measured in millimeters. A thinner yoga mat absorbs sweat and, therefore more likely to get slippery. Thicker mats are less slippery yet more cumbersome.
  • Field Test – Bringing your practice into a store can be helpful but you should also do some field testing so that you know for sure if it’s the right mat for you. When you practice, look for comfort, durability, and ease of use.
  • Cost – While you don’t need the most expensive thick yoga mat on the market, you do want to keep an eye on your budget. Luxurious yoga mats may be harder to clean and maintain.

Fulfill your practice with a premium thick yoga mat

Thick yoga mats are widely used because they last a long time, are comfortable to practice on, and can soak up a lot of perspiration. However, they are not cheap, so you should look for discounts wherever possible. Choose a sturdy yoga mat for long-lasting use, it should be thick enough to withstand heavy use without wearing it down.

A thicker mat is built to last longer, but it may be more cumbersome to walk on and the ideal thickness would be sturdy enough to last but not too cumbersome to walk on. Stretching further is possible with the use of a thick yoga mat. Thinner mats may prevent you from properly stretching and reaping the advantages of your practice, but thicker mats will protect you as you go further.

Decide what’s right for you with a cheap thick yoga mat

You’ll also want to consider your budget and your personal needs when choosing a thick yoga mat. You may not need the most expensive thick yoga mat on the market, but you may want something more luxurious or eco-friendly, too. A cheaper thick yoga mat may be all you need for home practice.

If money is tight, you might also try shopping around for a more reasonably priced mat. Even among those that do, some choose the more budget-friendly travel mats. Watch for discounts and offers as most yoga mats cost more than $20, but there are some affordable ones, also seek for coupons and offers.

How to Care for Your Yoga Mat

As with any type of yoga mat, it’s important to clean your thick yoga mat regularly. You may also want to throw it in the washer if you have the space and don’t have time to wash it regularly. When cleaning your yoga mat, you want to focus on the sticky areas.

Sticky areas like your hands and feet and the corners of your mat are where most of the bacteria from sweat will land. If you can wipe those areas down with a disinfectant wipe, you can kill all the bacteria. After cleaning sticky places, wipe down your mat with mild soap or use baking soda and water to deodorize it.

Categories: Health