Around a decade ago, e-cigarettes hit the market with a bang. While a version of one has been around since the 1960s, it wasn’t until the early 2010s that people started to realize that maybe that “crazy guy” was on to something. He was. Since then, e-cigarettes have helped thousands of people say goodbye to cigarettes for good.

It’s common knowledge that e-cigarettes, or vape pens, are an alternative to cigarettes, but there are still plenty of people in the dark about what they are, how safe they are, and many other points. Read on to discover some new information about vape products and e-cigarettes you may not have known.

The Ministry of Health Says Vaping is Far Less Harmful Than Smoking

Many cigarette smokers are finding it challenging to quit smoking, but are scared to try a vape product such as e-cigarettes. Surely it’s as harmful as smoking! From the information currently available, the Ministry of Health is confident in saying that vaping is less harmful than cigarette smoking.

Their position is that it’s not for young people or children, and is not ideal for non-smokers, but that it can help people to quit smoking.

The E-Cigarette Market is Huge

When e-cigarettes first hit the market, you had a few different options, but not many. Now, the market is significant. You have access to many different products, such as disposable and rechargeable e-cigarettes, medium and large tank devices, e-cigars, and e-pipes.

Vape products such as the medium and large tank devices are also very much customisable. You can buy different caps, tanks, atomisers, and everything else you need for a more beneficial vaping experience.

You Can Choose Your Nicotine Strength

A traditional cigarette has around two milligrams of absorbed nicotine in it. You don’t get to pick that dosage as that’s what the cigarette manufacturer chooses for you. With e-cigarettes, that choice is in your hands.

When you purchase your e-liquid, you’re able to choose your nicotine strength. The more common strengths include 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30 milligrams. If you are vaping as a way in which to quit smoking, then you will probably need to start on a higher strength. You can then move your way down to 12, 6, and 3, as time and progress allow.

The Flavour Variety is Substantial

If you thought the number of different vape styles was impressive, then you haven’t paid attention to the E-liquid variety as well. As of 2014, there were nearly 8,000 e-liquid flavours on the market and nearly 500 brands. Five years down the track, those numbers have surely skyrocketed.

In the cigarette world, you have a few options. Rum is fairly common in the undertones of tobacco, and some people like the minty freshness of menthol. But subtle hints are the extent of what you can expect from a cigarette (and you get all those nasty cancer-causing chemicals with them).

E-liquids are different. If you have a sweet tooth, then you can satisfy that craving with sweet flavours such as berry or vanilla. If you’re a beverage fan, then cola, milkshakes, and similar are available too.

However, not everyone is a fan of inhaling an apple crumble, and that’s okay. If you are vaping because you want to give up smoking, then there are flavours similar to tobacco as well. You literally have thousands of options, so don’t be hasty in your decision.

There are Two Nicotine Types

When e-liquids first hit the market, they consisted of freebase nicotine. Freebase nicotine is what is present in cigarettes. Chemists created it by converting natural nicotine from its salt form into a base, with ammonia to remove protons and increase its alkalinity. The result was a stronger cigarette and a more addicted smoker!

Freebase nicotine is quite harsh, which means that even if you need a bigger nicotine hit, you can’t get it, because you’d be hurting your throat. Scientists found the solution in nicotine salts.

They added benzoic acid to the nicotine to make it smoother and more satisfying. The nicotine also had more structure, which meant vapers could absorb it into their bodies quicker. Nicotine salts are now a common e-liquid option alongside freebase. You can vaporize it at a lower temperature and enjoy a satisfying, smoother hit with better absorption.


There is still so much the general population doesn’t know about e-cigarettes or vaping in general. Many don’t know that there are now two e-liquid types on the market, or that there are thousands of e-liquid types and dozens of vape styles.

They also don’t know that vaping is less harmful than smoking, making it an ideal cessation tool. If you want to know more about vaping – or how to make the switch from cigarettes to vape products, then visit your local vape products store.

Categories: Automotive