Dance involves a variety of forms originated from different cultures and lands. They are the displine movements which keep our body fit as well. You all must have danced in a party. It is fun and helps you to socialize more making you more confident. Dancing can be done for fun and entertainment and also it can be done for exercising. Dance forms for exercising your body are like zumba, aerobics, etc. There are dance classes held by professionals in which they give you dancing instruction to learn the forms of dance. 

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Why you should go for dance classes?

  • Cardiovascular health benefit – doing the dance regularly improves the flow of blood through the heart keeping it more healthy and functional. Practicing intense aerobics makes your cardiovascular muscles more tuff and healthy. Everyone should do it for at least 80 to 100 minutes per week. 
  • Boost up the brain working – dancing involves remembering too many steps in it. Doing a tap dance is one form of dance which requires a lot of similar steps and doing it correctly is forcing your brain to perform well. This is a great exercise which can boost up your memory no matter what your age is. 
  • Increases cognitive power – doing dance involves thinking of various steps, how to portray it, when to do them and many more. This increases the ability to think and boost your cognitive power. 
  • Flexibility – there are many dance forms which make your body flexible. It helps people in exercising their each body part to the fullest. It prevents any body ache and pain giving you the core strength. 
  • Social and mood booster – doing a dance can increase your social appearance in a gathering. Enjoying with the friends or your kids by doing some dance moves not only doubles the entertainment but also boost up your mood instantly. 


Categories: Dance