Japan has a rich and vibrant music culture that includes a wide variety of genres and styles. One genre of music that is particularly popular in Japan is band music. While band music is enjoyed by people of all ages in Japan, it is especially popular among young people. In this article, we will trace the origins of Wind (Concert) Band and explore how it has evolved over time.

The origins of Japanese band music can be traced back to the Meiji Period (1868-1912). During this time, Western musical styles were introduced to Japan for the first time and quickly gained popularity. One of the most popular Western musical genres to emerge during this period was brass band music. Brass bands became so popular that they began to spring up all over the country, performing at various events and festivals.

As brass band music became more established in Japan, it began to undergo a process of evolution. This can be seen in the way that the instruments used in brass bands gradually changed over time. For example, in the early days of brass band music in Japan, only Western instruments were used. However, by the early 20th century, a number of Japanese-made instruments had begun to appear. These included such things as taiko drums and shamisen guitars.

Instruments aside, another area where Japanese brass bands began to differ from their Western counterparts was in the repertoire. While Western brass bands tended to stick to classical pieces, Japanese brass bands started to perform a wider range of music, including traditional Japanese melodies and popular Western songs. This helped make brass band music even more popular with the general public.


Japanese band music has come a long way since its humble beginnings in the Meiji Period. What started out as a simple imitation of Western brass bands has now evolved into a uniquely Japanese genre with its own sound and style. The next time you’re in Japan, be sure to check out a local brass band performance! You’re sure to enjoy it!

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