You have been planning that upcoming corporate event for months, sending out invitations, taking care of the catering, and securing the locale – and, naturally, you want it recorded for posterity. Choosing the right video production company is not always easy if you don’t have the correct information to determine what qualifies one should possess to do the job. Thankfully, we are here to give you seven corporate video production tips that will lead you to the right company.

1. Research

Before you ever meet with an AV company, you want to have some knowledge of the craft yourself. Knowing the basics will give you the ability to make the best decision possible, and will provide you with the all-important vision for your event. Basic lighting knowledge, for instance, can help you determine if the venue you are choosing will be a good fit for your event.

2. Experience

Logically as you are shopping around for video production companies, you need to be looking at their credentials. Has the company you are choosing shot events similar to yours? What size events have they handled in the past? These are the type of questions that can help you make an informed decision.

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3. Corporate Affinity

Corporate video production differs from nearly all types of video production out there: there is an extra tone of professionalism that must be met. Any video, whether intended or not in a corporate environment, is a type of advertising. An AV company that understands your brand and has dealt with your industry before is preferred.

4. Swift Execution

One of the things that will help you choose the best video production company out there will be inquiring about lead times. How soon can a company get to the venue? If they need to send equipment, how quickly can they get it to you? Questions like this speak volumes about a company and are a surefire way to determine efficiency.

5. Equipment

The type of equipment that the AV company uses is also telling of their status and efficiency. We live in a day and age where low-quality production is simply unacceptable, only the best need apply. Be sure that whoever is doing the research/hiring asks about the equipment that will be used to shoot the production.

6. Reviews

Head over to Yelp, Google, and so on for reviews. Having some knowledge of the kind of experience others have had with the company you are thinking of hiring can help you decide if it is a good choice for you. Recent reviews should be available from major AV companies in your area.

7. Cost

Last but not least is the cost of it all. If you have a budget, do your best to stay within that budget. Get the most bang for your buck by asking the company if they offer any deals on the prolonged association, perhaps shooting more than one event a year. Building a stable relationship with a corporate video production company can’t hurt.

There you have it: seven tips that can help you find the right video production company for your corporate event. You have spent all this time getting this event ready – it deserves a quality video to remember it. Learn more.

Categories: Business