In this modern era of technological advancement, the ways of socializing have also changed up to a great extent. Billions of people use social media platforms to connect with their close ones as well as to rest of the world. Thus, today there are thousands of social media platforms on the internet and one of them is Mind. It is the most popular Crypto Social Media Network which itself means freedom in internet. You consider it for your new place to hangout digitally and given below are some solid reasons why it is better over any other social media site.    

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Ethereum Credits – Credits are the main reason why it had become so popular, especially among bloggers and influencers. Unlike other popular social media platforms, Minds offers Ethereum Credits to its users which they can spend or invest in cryto currency market. If you remember, there were a lot of issues with some popular social media platforms where they failed to explain how they earn from their platforms. 

Since the fact is those platforms give millions of users to market their services or products to different businesses and this raised a question that why users are not getting any credits if they are being used a part of such marketing campaigns. Minds is the only platform that provides credits to its users for every like, share, comment, etc. You can check this new and amazing place to connect with people and earn credits at the same time by visiting

Ultimate Privacy – No matter how much you love spending time on your social media accounts and sharing your life’s moments and experiences but sometimes one thing always strikes your mind that if your data is safe in there or not. Minds have eliminated that stress for its users by encrypting feed, messenger and wallet. You can also stay anonymous if you want which is good feature to keep information and data safe. 

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Get desired number of views – It is literally the best place for social media influencers and baggers as they don’t have to struggle and strive for views and likes for months or years. You can simply get any number of views you want by trading token you earn by using Minds. The developers have added this amazing feature in which you can get 1000 views per token and these views are no bots but 100% organic. If you are going to start your career on social media then better begin with Minds. 


Categories: Business