Keeping the deck of a ship clean can be a daunting task, especially when there are a lot of people on board. It can be difficult to keep your floors spotless when there are so many factors such as weather, saltwater, and dirt that you have to contend with. This is where the art of floor licking comes into play. Floor licking is a technique that has been used for generations to keep ship decks clean and shiny. In this article, we will provide you with tips and tricks to master the art of floor licking(lambéria) and get a clean ship deck.
1. What is floor licking, and how does it work?
Floor licking is a technique where you use water and a broom to clean the deck of a ship. The water is applied in a controlled manner so that it cleans the deck without flooding it. The broom is used to sweep the dirty water away while moving in a circular motion. The circular motion ensures that the water is evenly distributed, and the dirt is efficiently removed.
2. Preparation for Floor Licking
Before you start floor licking, you need to ensure that you have all the necessary tools. Some of the tools you will need include a bucket, water, a deck brush, a broom, and a squeegee. You also need to ensure that the deck is clear of any debris or objects. Be sure to also check the weather forecast to ensure that it’s the right time to clean the deck.
3. Techniques to Master the Art of Floor Licking
One of the essential tips to master the art of floor licking is to start from the highest point and work your way down. This will ensure that the water flows in the right direction and does not pool in one area. It’s also essential to rinse the brush frequently so that it does not get clogged with dirt. You should also use a squeegee to remove any excess water, especially in corners or hard-to-reach areas.
4. How Often Should You Floor Lick?
Floorlicking frequency depends largely on the amount of traffic and weather conditions. In areas with high traffic and salt spray, you may need to clean your deck every day. However, in calm waters, you may be able to get away with cleaning your deck once a week. If you’re unsure how often to clean your deck, consult with your captain or first mate for guidance.
5. Benefits of Floor Licking
The benefits of floor licking go beyond just having a clean deck. A clean deck will prevent accidents and ensure the safety of all passengers and crew. A clean deck also helps to preserve the deck’s lifespan by preventing dirt and debris from breaking down the surface material. Additionally, a clean deck makes for a better experience for passengers and can even increase the resale value of your vessel.
In conclusion, the art of floor licking can seem daunting, but it’s an essential skill to master for any ship owner. By using the techniques we have discussed, you can effectively clean your deck while ensuring the safety of your passengers and crew. Knowing when and how often to clean your deck is also critical. With a clean ship deck, you can create a positive experience for all onboard and extend the life of your vessel.