Safety training is an integral part of any company’s health and safety program. It is important to be up-to-date with the latest in health and safety news, so you can be aware of new hazards that may come into your workplace.

The goal of safety training at is not to scare you; instead, it should help you understand how to stay safe at work. It should also equip you with the skills needed to react appropriately in different scenarios.

Every year, there are more than 4 million workplace injuries and illnesses reported in the United States, according to OSHA’s statistics. These incidents cost employers $250 billion each year! That’s why it’s important for all employees, including you, to be aware of these dangers and how best to reduce their risk of injuring themselves or getting sick on the job.

Don’t let yourself become one of these statistics! Scroll down for some helpful tips on how to keep yourself safe while working.

Safety Training Statistics

According to OSHA’s statistics, every year there are more than 4 million workplace injuries and illnesses reported in the United States. These incidents cost employers $250 billion each year.

To put that into perspective, every year it costs businesses around $250 billion just to cover the medical expenses of their employees! The majority of these injuries are due to simply not wearing the proper safety equipment or following safety guidelines.

These numbers can be jarring, but luckily it doesn’t have to be this way. If you want to help reduce your company’s injury rates, you should think about implementing a safety training program for all employees.

It’s not enough just to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) at work; you also need to know how to use it properly and when it is appropriate to do so. To find out more about what hazards you might encounter at work and how best to keep safe, click on through for our handy infographic.

Tips OnHowTo StaySafeAt Work

Safety training is an important part of any health and safety program. It’s crucial to be up-to-date with the latest in health and safety news, so you are aware of new hazards that may come into your workplace.

The goal of safety training is not to scare you; instead, it should equip you with the skills necessary to react appropriately. It should also help you understand how to stay safe on the job.

Don’t let yourself become one of these statistics! Scroll down for some helpful tips on how to keep yourself safe while you’re on the job.

The ImportanceOfSafetyTraining

Safety training is an essential part of any company’s health and safety program. Without it, employees may not know the best way to react in a work-related emergency and could endanger themselves and their coworkers.

Every year, there are more than 4 million workplace injuries and illnesses that cost employers $250 billion! That’s why workplace safety is so important.The goal of safety training is not to scare you; instead, it should equip you with the skills needed to react appropriately in different scenarios.

Visit courses and helpful tips on how to keep yourself safe while working.

Categories: Health