Whether you’re a Fortune 500 company or a small start-up business, there is nothing more vital than employee morale. As a business owner, it is your job to keep your employees happy and create a desirable work environment. For a business to be successful, it requires diligence, consistency and hiring the best talent. By providing employee incentives such as paid time off, performance bonuses, and other perks, it will increase productivity and boost overall employee morale. When a work environment becomes overly-stressful, the company will often suffer. Employees will often exhibit decreased job performance which can negatively impact a business and its revenue. To tackle low employee morale, you must embrace positive changes with meaningful benefits. Here is a list of ways to help boost employee morale.

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Recognizing Achievements and Handing Out Awards

Handing out trophies or business awards is a great way to boost employee morale—and productivity. Companies such as edco.com produce premium quality crystal awards that are crafted with precision and are completely customizable. Presenting an award helps show your employees they’re appreciated and provides them with positive recognition.

 Good Communication 

Communication is one of the most effective tools to boost workplace morale. I mean, sure, providing employees free gym memberships and paid vacations can boost morale, but providing open and honest communication will have a long-lasting effect on your employees, as well as your company. A work environment that promotes open communication allows employees to feel more comfortable and at ease. When your employees love working for your company, it definitely shows. You should try to provide employees with good communication and relay feedback without sounding negative. 

As a manager or business owner, you can maintain casual communications with your employees while still maintaining professionalism. This helps build highly efficient teams. No one wants to work in an environment filled with hostility, conflict, and gossip. By maintaining open communication, it means your employees are more likely to trust each other. You want to create an atmosphere that provides employees the ability to easily communicate with management which allows them to voice any concerns or problems they may have.

 Utilize Social Media

Social media is not only a great marketing tool, but it can also be used to improve employee morale. It can be used to provide feedback or recognize the achievement of an employee. This also provides future talent a glimpse of how your company operates and helps promote a healthy work environment.

Provide Employees Paid Time Off for Birthdays

The only thing better than cake is paid time off. Providing an employee paid time off for their birthday will drastically increase workplace morale. You should also consider offering them an extra day off. Your employees will really appreciate it.


Studies have shown that by providing employees unconditional and unexpected bonuses, it increases workplace productivity and boosts overall morale. Imagine you’re a single mother having to support a family, or a student who has to pay off college loans. By providing a big bonus, it will show your generosity and appreciation towards your employees. You can also use bonuses as an incentive, based on their level of performance. This will motivate other members of your team to keep up the good work.

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Team Building Exercises

Incorporating team-building exercises can be a fun bonding experience that increases trust and workplace morale. This allows individuals to explore their strengths as well as fears or weaknesses in the process. Utilizing voluntary workshops or trust exercises is a great team-building experience. One idea is to organize a kayaking trip for employees and their spouses. You could also plan a potluck meal because food is an international language of friendship.

Make the Workplace Fun 

Just because you’re working doesn’t mean you can’t loosen your tie and tell a joke or two. Scheduling a one on one meeting with an employee lets them know that you’re human and more than just a boss. You don’t necessarily have to be their best friend or know all of their favorite movies by heart, but you should casually ask them about their day and how they’re doing. Incorporating a ping-pong table in the break room or hosting a karaoke competition once a month is a great way to reduce stress in a work environment. This allows employees to have a little fun and blow off some steam.

Categories: Business